Thursday, October 13, 2011

Success finally, after smacking my head against python for awhile.

As above, thanks to FIzzisist for hammering out the new code. Programming now seems to work 100%, about 60+kb/s taking just over a min to program the FPGA, that’s plenty fast enough I’d say.

Pre-processing does take up a fair amount of CPU power though. Maybe later the processed stuff can be cached to a file or something.

Anyways here’s a screen capture of the FPGA being successfully programmed and then the miner working (50Mhash/s code running, still haven’t got a heatsink for this yet).


Apologies for the messy desktop… xD

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finally populated everything.


Here’s a board fully populated. OSP really does suck if you plan to keep the boards around a while before populating them. I had to use a fair bit more flux then usual to get stuff to flow, and some areas were starting to oxidize already.


I’m now putting desiccant packs inside the bag that contains the unpopulated boards, hoping that’ll prolong the OSP life and plan to put everything on at once instead of step by step with a wash in-between.

Side note: the fully populated board does work properly, still need to sort out the software side of things though. Watch this space for more details.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Got the board assembled

As per title. Received the parts from Digikey. Soldered them on and time to test.


Puny little heatsink is for running test code, it probably won’t hold for anything serious (75Mhash/s and above)